Monday, June 18, 2012

Working Towards Consistency

The first thing I need to work on is consistency. Consistency in my article writing and blog submissions, consistency in when I do my work and can write effectively, a general consistency in how I approach self management and stick to something that works. I feel like everything is discombobulated and out of whack.
Since my son has been home, I no longer have the early mornings to concentrate on my article marketing and writing. I used to get up at 3 AM and spend a couple hours writing before my regular job would start and nobody was awake yet. Since then, I get ever chance of sleep I get. I spend my early mornings with our new son now, trying to give mom a couple hours rest before I go into work. I enjoy every second, but that was the only time I truly had for my affiliate marketing campaigns.
Prior to beginning work, I had some time I could slip away and work, but it was never anything consistent.
It can get frustrating, too. When you're working on something, moving along and then, all of a sudden, something interrupts your thoughts and you can never remember the original content. Nothing you can come up with seems to replace it sufficiently, so you're left thinking aimlessly. At least that's what seems to happen for me.
I can't even listen to a radio in my car while I attempt to write articles on my break at work. That, too, didn't work. Even without the music, you can only get so much done on a 10 minute break. 6 minutes if you want to get back to your station on time. It just seems impossible to keep track of the short thoughts you can come up with in that short amount of time available.
After looking at how my schedule is now, I think I have come up with a plan and simply need to have the support of my wife (not a problem) and self motivation (working on it) to implement it.
During the week, I'm allocating 2 hours a night instead of morning to work on my article marketing. 8 PM to 10 PM is now the only time available for me to get anything done without being away from home. My wife and newborn go to bed at 8, which would give me plenty of time if it wasn't for needing to get up early in the morning, so 8-10 have to will do.