Sunday, December 16, 2012

Using Google Adwords Keyword Tool For Article Marketing

It's hard to believe it's been so long since last updating this blog. I've been doing a lot of research and gathering information the last month, working on SEO for my website for the search engines.

I added a few pages to my site (was trying to beef up the content) and really didn't get much response from the changes. These pages broke down the sites categories into a smaller niche oriented page that offers other products to help round out the main pages theme-a balance of mind body and soul.

But I did it...blindly I guess you can say. I really didn't have a strong understanding of doing the proper keyword research knowledge, so the content was out there, but not being picked up by the search engines.

That's when I decided to buckle down and try to get a better understanding of keyword research and effectively implement it in my website and affiliate article marketing campaign. I've got a good bit of material out there and if I can maximize its effectiveness, the payback could be beneficial.

I think I have a much better understanding how to use Google Adwords keyword tool and have been having some good responses on the recent articles I've published. Many times I would only get a few views a month when I wrote an article without doing the keyword research. The last few article I wrote and took the time to work on keywords have turned those few views I used to get a month into getting them a day.

I was able to dig up some phrases for my articles that were extremely low in competition but felt they still had enough searches to warrant an article. Goolge Adwords keyword tool reported some keyword searches in the range of around 90-120. When I did a search for competition, I only had a couple sites to compete with.

I've also worked on SEO for my website. I used Google Adwords keyword tool to find some phrases related to my page that had a higher search, but also higher competition, thinking my website would have a better chance with these more aggressive keywords.

The keywords used for my website were much more ambitious, resulting around 30-40 thousand competitors, but also had a relative increase in searches to justify it. I'm going for a broader audience with my website because I don't want to put all my resources into only 90 searches a month for that page.

I'm going to use these keywords for my site at let them run for about a month, then see what I should do from there. I've seen an increase in traffic since using these new keywords, but there's always going to room for improvement. I figured a month could give me a pretty consistent idea for now.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Press Release For Affiliate Marketing- It Seemed To Help

It's been quite some time since I have posted anything to update this blog, attributing a great deal of my absenteeism to the fact I have a difficult time with something not to a certain standard, especially when my names attached to it. Not that I'm 100% done (there's still a lot of work and changes ahead), but it's a start.

Well, I worked on my website for a while, trying to get it just right. Added content, changed my mind concerning the direction I wanted to go in and wavered with the simple layout for longer than I needed to. Getting it just right can be nearly impossible if you really aren't sure what you are doing in the first place.

This went on for about a month when I finally decided I was never going to get it perfect and I just needed to publish it without the need for perfection. Not that I got to the point where I figured I would just publish garbage. I just have to remember; I can edit it any time I want to.

This being my first website and a beginner with affiliate marketing  I got lost in the learning curve, trying to figure out things without even beginning to try them out. I was afraid of making a mistake before I even started, breaking down my chances to learn simply from the mistakes I wasn't making make. Make sense?

It was time for me to commit and just decide. It may not be the best decision, but who knows what experience I could come across.

So I finally put it out there and made public.

Since doing so, my hits started off very low. I could only find it using Google and when I tried Yahoo, it came up with no results.

I waited a few weeks to see if anything changed and it hadn't. So I did a little research and looked into press release. I came across some sights that would handle my press release for at least 89 dollars to start, but that just seemed unnecessary.

I looked a little deeper and found and discovered a decent response almost immediately after.

Now this is my first site, so I have no idea what to expect from my one attempt at developing a web site. I started with an average of 11 hits a day, but after submitting my site to the other search engines, I started getting mid to upper 30's. This has been going on for about two weeks, so I'm exited to see what else I will come across to improve my presence.

Not that I have seen a lot of feedback from writing articles, but I'm going to continue anyway.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Working On My Web Site

I finally finished a web site and published it in the beginning of this month, so is up and running. Why just “a” web site? Because I know that this first web site of mine will be added to, modified and changed many times over. And that's the very reason why it took so long to publish.
After first purchasing the domain, it has taken me well over a month to finally make it public. I found myself trying to become an expert in everything involved in developing a web site and it was simply impossible. There are so many different areas of development that you can get yourself lost in. Picture and video management, template organization and even just learning how your particular hosting software works all can take considerable time to learn.
So I found myself trying to over do what I knew and was comfortable with and come up with the final web site I, in reality, should be building up to. I have an idea in my head of what I want eventually, but thinking more realistic, I'm trying to bite off more than I can chew. I spent quite a bit of time overdoing what I knew and that can become frustrating. And when you get frustrated, you tend to avoid the one thing that is making you frustrated.
So now I spent about a month suffering from information overload and only frustrating myself. The site I finally published recently is quite simple, no where near what I wanted it to be, but I figured I wanted to have my site active so I could at least experiment with driving traffic to it. You need a vast amount of knowledge in many different areas of Internet marketing and development to do what I dreamed of, but it just doesn't make sense to wait for the perfect site while not using it to sell at least one item and put the articles I have already written to good use.
I originally envisioned my site offering a few more items, but one in particular needs to see more site traffic before I can become an affiliate. What I may do is offer a similar item with a vendor who may be a little more forgiving for now and build more traffic, opening the door to the other vendors with the products I originally wanted. There are so many different directions I can go with this web site, it can seem intimidating. I really don't know how to operate the templates on my hosting account, so that alone is going to keep me busy for some time. While how much time it involves to properly and effectively translate my vision to the computer is still unknown, but I anticipate it to be substantial. Once I get a handle on it, I'm very optimistic of the potential of this site.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Starting A Site

Now, I began my affiliate marketing using the article marketing technique because I didn't want to invest any money, proving to myself that it was possible. I still believe it is, I just don't seem to have the patience for it.
I'm still looking for that good, consistent time to devote to my affiliate marketing endeavor that will keep me on track of my goals. Even an hour a day can pay off in the long run, so it doesn't need to be a substantial amount of my time. When your writing, it's not that bad to sit down for maybe twenty minutes and then take a break. It can almost be more productive using that approach rather than forcing content out of a four hour work block. And it can be surprising how quickly your output can increase and accumulate over time, so doing it now is of the utmost importance.
I have sold some items on Ebay, creating a positive balance in my PayPal account. Once I discovered I could purchase the domain and hosting using funds from that account, it didn't take much of an investment to obtain a website.
So a lot of my time is being spent behind the scenes, playing around with the templates and learning what to do. Being completely new to this, it can be overwhelming with all the options that are available to you. Sometimes you can over think it, causing more frustration than progress. It's hard not to think I have to get it perfect before I make it public. But thinking about it more, I think I may loose out on an accidental opportunity or even learning from mistakes, teaching me more than if I didn't do anything.
I have the option of launching an instant page, so I plan on spending available time to get that up and running this weekend. It shouldn't take to much time, but I'd like to have it up to decent standards before I publish it. But not be concerned with perfection. This page is available until I have the actual site running. That alone should give me enough flexibility to help learn.
Total cost for the website and hosting was just under ten dollars, making it surprisingly reasonable. But at that price, it gives me customization and a lot of research will accompany that. It already has.
The biggest obstacle I've encountered is myself. Trying to take too much in on all the aspects of developing a website. I want to be creative, but that desire slows me down, causing me to waiver between two or more ideas with an inability to make a choice.
I know I'll get a great sense of accomplishment when I actually have my web site up and running. I just need to stop over thinking and just produce.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Working Towards Consistency

The first thing I need to work on is consistency. Consistency in my article writing and blog submissions, consistency in when I do my work and can write effectively, a general consistency in how I approach self management and stick to something that works. I feel like everything is discombobulated and out of whack.
Since my son has been home, I no longer have the early mornings to concentrate on my article marketing and writing. I used to get up at 3 AM and spend a couple hours writing before my regular job would start and nobody was awake yet. Since then, I get ever chance of sleep I get. I spend my early mornings with our new son now, trying to give mom a couple hours rest before I go into work. I enjoy every second, but that was the only time I truly had for my affiliate marketing campaigns.
Prior to beginning work, I had some time I could slip away and work, but it was never anything consistent.
It can get frustrating, too. When you're working on something, moving along and then, all of a sudden, something interrupts your thoughts and you can never remember the original content. Nothing you can come up with seems to replace it sufficiently, so you're left thinking aimlessly. At least that's what seems to happen for me.
I can't even listen to a radio in my car while I attempt to write articles on my break at work. That, too, didn't work. Even without the music, you can only get so much done on a 10 minute break. 6 minutes if you want to get back to your station on time. It just seems impossible to keep track of the short thoughts you can come up with in that short amount of time available.
After looking at how my schedule is now, I think I have come up with a plan and simply need to have the support of my wife (not a problem) and self motivation (working on it) to implement it.
During the week, I'm allocating 2 hours a night instead of morning to work on my article marketing. 8 PM to 10 PM is now the only time available for me to get anything done without being away from home. My wife and newborn go to bed at 8, which would give me plenty of time if it wasn't for needing to get up early in the morning, so 8-10 have to will do.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Article Marketing Landing Page

Obviously it's been a while since I have updated anything, but have been busy “behind the scenes”. The last couple of weeks have been extremely reveling to what I really want out of life and I have been lucky enough to enjoy it.
I have not been to my 7-3:30 job since 5/15, a Tuesday. My beautiful son was born at 8 PM on 3/14, and I took a 2 week leave of absence to spend time with the family. It has extended another week due to complications, but everything appears to have settled down for now. I thought I could get some affiliate work done while I was on my leave, but medical issue and paternal duties have occupied a majority of my time. So I haven't got much done, but that's ok. Like I had said before; It's given me an opportunity to experience what I really want and why I am pursuing the chance to work from home.
After all the scares settled down and I no longer spent my days at the hospital, I got an opportunity to get back to work again. I began a lens introducing people to the fantastic world of article marketing. The way I see it, I am going to come across all sorts of things that I can learn and share my knowledge on, so why not make a page that can help others achieve a self-sufficient lifestyle?
The more and more I participate in article marketing, the more I come to appreciate it and benefit from it. I've said it before and I will say it again; article marketing can be great therapy. Working with the recently separated/divorced niche can be exhausting, but every day I learn more about myself.
I had written quite a few articles earlier this month and have seen an increase traffic in bit. The biggest thing that surprised me were the click throughs I received from my articles on EzineArticles were up substantially and I haven't really figured out why. A majority of the articles were there for a couple months prior to now but never received this much attention. I'm not complaining, just surprised I received the attention I got this month considering I lost half a month. But overall, my numbers pleased me. My total visits to articles on Ezine totalled 182, while URL clicks were at 19, which gave me just over 10% click rate
I only had three submissions for StreetArticles this month and have reached an author rank of 506. I did break 400, but I have fallen back the last couple weeks, assuming because of the lack of submissions.
 I have changed my approach just a touch and designating StreetArticles for my affiliate marketing campaign and EzineArticles for my niche Getting Over Divorce For Men. It just seems to simplify it for myself.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Keeping The Momentum

That little push forward did sustain for a little while when, again, life intervenes. It felt good to have the motivation at the tail end of April/ beginning of May. I wrote a few articles and updated my blogs fairly well. Now, the challenge is going to create a routine and be able to stick to the routine on a regular basis.
What I have encountered issue that occur through the whole routine off track. And once you're off track, it is even more difficult to obtain that level of consistency again. It is so much easier to maintain a level of performance than to contribute in spurts, falling in a valley of performance, struggling to get to the mountain top again.
I have seen that with my own personal performance over the last few months. I have had a couple weeks that I am writing consistently and fluidly. The routine will be disturbed some way and I falter. My attention focuses on the issue at hand while my performance in article marketing suffers. I re-adjust after getting control of the interruption, and begin playing a game of catch-up with article writing.
My latest issue that hindered my article writing was the death (or so I thought death) of our cat. After that incident was resolved, I proceeded my article writing campaign full force. Again I have been faced with a obstacle at home that has consumed more time than I had thought it would.
It just so happens this particular events this week relates to my niche of marketing. Having custody issues of a child whom you care about deeply isn't easy. But I have noticed a benefit from the experience I have been obtaining through my article marketing.
Writing articles has given me excellent practice in writing and conveying information to the reader. Now, writing a court document didn't seem so bad. In light of taking a day and a half to sit down and write (not including research time), all the article writing I have done over the last few months have proven useful. I am happy with what I have to submit.
Now that I have addressed that issue at home, perhaps I can continue this forward push.
 I haven't increased the click through on StreetArticles, but had one article hit 24 visits in a day! That has given me something to investigate, learn, improve and attempt to replicate.
I submitted enough articles with EzineArticles on May 1st to reach Platinum Author. After writing 10 articles I have achieved that level, making the approval process for an article much quicker than before. Basic author's articles are approved after a 7 day evaluation, whereas, platinum are approved in 48 hours. The click throughs with these articles have reached 11%, hire than ever before. Keeping in mind the faster approval rate from the site and not even being half way through the month gives me great optimism for this month.
On another exciting note, I have someone following my blog on Wordpress now. They have liked a couple of posts and just recently started to follow it. Just a little gratification for all the work that gets put in.
We'll see what this week holds in store for me.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Keeping The Momentum

It seems that the little fire that got me going again has burned a little longer than I thought it would. It has been a very productive couple of days, despite work schedules and issues that arise while home. I think I have a better understand of how productivity works and can be optimized, but there was always a part of me that would go strong for some time, eventually running out of steam and dwindling away.

I recently wrote an article discussing characteristics of an affiliate marketer and I believe something in that opened up a different thought process for me. In it, I speak of having a passion and enjoying what you are doing. A lot of my articles talk about divorce, learning how to cope with the loss of a loved one and relationships while I continually plan to have them cover many other related topics. But as I have written more and more articles about the subject, the more and more it has seemed to help me handle the difficult situations I still face today. It has become a therapy for me, opening up an understanding of the events that happen in every day situations.

That being said, there is still fuel to continue this notable submission of articles I have been begun. I had submitted 4 articles for the month of April with EzineArticles, generally spread out through the month, week by week. I only submitted only 1 article with StreetArticles at the beginning of the month, so over all, my views would be expected to suffer.
In the month of May, I have already submitted 3 articles with EzineArticles and one with StreetArticles. The views have already gone up substantially and I am seeing some click throughs again.

Both my Wordpress and Blogger blogs had suffered from updates for the month of April. I believe I only had a couple updates for each on. I am anticipating on changing that to a couple of updates per week.

I have begun to witness and can appreciate the amount of work that can go into affiliate marketing and writing articles itself. In order to get results, you need to constantly adding unique and original material on a consistent basis. I have not invested any money, so I still have a long and difficult journey to profit. Even if the results I see are minimal, they are a move in the right direction.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Push Forward

I have actually had a pretty exciting couple of days for me. Something got up somewhere and lit a fire under me,creating a very productive couple of days.

It began Sunday when I wrote a post for both of my blogs and submitted an article to EzineArticles. At that point, I was at my eighth submission and you can move up a level when you reach ten articles. I wrote and submitted an article on Monday and then one more Monday morning. I came home after work, checked my email and got a notification that I had achieved Platinum Level! Never realized I was so easy to please. With this achievement I am permitted unlimited article submissions (which seems silly. You are only allowed ten article submissions as basic author, but if you write ten, they upgrade you to unlimited? Maybe has something to do with accepted article submissions) and faster approval. This will definitely be nice, considering under basic, you generally have to wait seven days before your article goes live.

All in all, my article submissions were down for the month of April. I had 1 new articles with StreetArticles as opposed to 5 In March. Total views of all articles at this time were 367. This is a running total, not broken down for the month. I still only had the 2 clickthroughs that carried over from March, so I had a big fat 0 visits through StreetArticles to my landing page.

Now my Ezine account surprised me in performance. As of 2 days ago, I was far behind any progression from the previous month. I was surprised to see the payoff with the work I had done in the tail end of the month. My article visits were a total of 127 for the month, up over 5%. My clickthroughs were down almost 50%, but these all came in the last 2 days. This just shows me you won't get results without effort.

I realize these numbers may seem small, but that doesn't concern me right now. I see a reaction to the effort I am putting in right now and hope that carries through for a while. Besides, I haven't spent a penny yet. But the first expense will definitely be a web site.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Feeling Run Down

I recently wrote about the importance of persistence and perhaps I should re-read and better implement it myself. I feel like I have allowed procrastination to take over to some point. I have found myself tired and saying “I can get to it tomorrow”. What happens when you find yourself with too many things to possibly do tomorrow?

I haven't been consistent with my article writing campaign for almost 3 weeks and have seen the views of my articles drop substantially. Some of that can be attributed to the lower amount of articles I have actually submitted. I have added 4 to my EzineArticles but only one to StreetArticles. I have updated my other blog with a creepy situation that was surprisingly exhausting for the week.

The following week after the cat incident, I had gotten very ill. I think it came from feeling run down from a non traditional schedule I try to maintain for my article marketing. I work a full time job from 7-4 Monday through Friday and have 5 (soon to be six) members of the family that deserve my time.
The only time I can consistently count on to have to myself is early in the morning. With all the children and my wife, the one computer we have is a hot commodity. I've circumvented this obstacle by changing my sleeping schedule.

Since my wife is pregnant now, she tends to go to bed quite early. So I have been going to bed with her, around 8-9 pm during the work week.

I start my morning, usually at about 3 am. It has seemed to be the only time I was able to feel like I was getting something done in peace. It gives me about 1.5-2 hours in the morning to work on my article marketing and blogs. When I get home in the evenings, I might get a half hour here and there. Sometimes it's enough to finish what I had started in the morning.

After doing this for about three months now, I think it finally caught up with me physically. I started staying up a little later (the kids had spring break) and started getting the flu. My morning routine was shot because I still had to go to my 7-4 job.

I feel better now and have the old routine available again. As I look at the numbers on my article marketing, I realize that these drops are due in large part my the lack of new content. More article submissions mean more views, which in turn transpires to more clickthroughs.

My landing page is due for an update, but see an increase in ranking by the links I'm giving it now. Again, being persistent is important, but it makes me think about the importance of consistency, too.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Persistance In Affiliate Marketing

It's been about two weeks since my last update/post about my progress with affiliate marketing. If it's been that long since my last post, there hasn't been anything to update about. I never realized how quickly life can over run everything.

My son had spring break (he's still in grade school) so he was home. While he was here, some crazy events took place that needed my direct attention at the time. With what had happened and the time I spent with him and my full time job, the week quickly got away from me.

I usually work on affiliate marketing early in the morning. I work 7-4 Monday trough Friday every week and spend family time together until at least 6-7 in the evening. Sometimes I can sneak an hour in here and there in the evening, but because I'm ready for bed at 8, it's not always that productive.

I go to bed so early because I get up quite early. 3 am seems to be the magic number, giving me enough uninterrupted time in the morning to make progress. It can get frustrating when I have some ideas but can only work on it intermittently. Waking up at 3 gives me two and a half hours of alone time on the computer, which is unheard of with four children in the house.

After my son spent the week, the flu hit and took me out of commission for four days.

I can already see a dramatic difference in the performance and decrease viewer ship to my articles with taking that short amount of time off. Without adding fresh articles, my views are generally down around 60% and have had zero click-through.

If anything, I will need to walk away from these two weeks with a learning experience.

I do believe article marketing can be profitable, but only through persistence.

I have decided I need to develop a schedule for myself, laying out what I need to do. Something that breaks  my time down into manageable blocks with some room to diversify into other form of marketing I may not have even begun to explore.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Affiliate Marketing - In The Begining

Well, I started this project in January with no expectations of immediate success and told myself I wanted to see where six months of legitimate effort would get me. But when I began, I spent a lot of time researching and studying how affiliate marketing works. All in all, I didn't publish my first article until the middle of February, spending a substantial amount of time trying to figure out my writing style.

I have only published 11 articles as of now, far below the number I had anticipated, but I attribute it to working on my own style. I originally wanted to publish 3-5 a week, right out of the gate, but I didn't want to publish something just to publish it. Working full time and a family of 6 makes for a difficult task to find time, but I am. Things are taking me longer than I thought they would, but it's a learning curve.

So, January I developed my landing page. In February, I published one article, continued to develop, and published 8 more in March. April, I am attempting to meet my original demands on production and have 3-5 articles a week starting now. I have 2 this week so far and have an ultimate goal of 15 articles for the month of April.

I've been concentrating harder on keywords and how to utilize them best. The viewer-ship of my articles in March were low, so I am going to be looking deeper at my keywords. My articles are averaging 1-2 views a day which I find disheartening.

But, ultimately, my click-throughs are non existent, meaning nobody is going to my landing page. And if no one is hitting my landing page, there are no sales. So that leaves me another facet of article marketing to learn more and work on.

I've tried pinging my blogs and articles using Pingoat,Blog Ping and Ping-o-matic. but haven't noticed a difference in views since I've done it a few days ago. I hear conflicting stories on the subject, so I'll just keep doing it anyway for now.

Well, I have a few more things I wanted to get into this weekend, so I should have plenty to share next week. I need to begin using social media and leave some forum and blog comments to get some exposure. I also intend to do some editing/updating on top of some new article submissions to try and keep the content fresh. Also need to add some pictures to some of my articles when I am able to take advantage of it.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

My Game Plan

Since I plan on going this penniless, I'm starting with some landing pages on squidoo. I actually have 2 now and I will track to see which approach is working better. I am using an article marketing campaign to start off with to drive traffic to the landing page and have my affiliate links there.

I have mentioned I have been using EzineArticles and StreetArticles for the articles linking to the landing pages. I don't really have a reference to tell me what to expect starting out for traffic numbers other then what the sites report. But I do see a difference in CTR between the two.

With my Ezine account, I have 4 article with just over 100 visits . Not all articles were published for the whole month and with the addition of new articles, I expect it to go up. The click through ratio was at just over ten percent, which from a little reading, feel this is quite high, maybe got lucky, but don't expect it to sustain that figure. I have heard 1-3% is an acceptable level. If someone else knows otherwise, please correct me.

I am also using StreetArticles to continue the campaign and diversify a little. I want to add a third sight, but think it better to become more familiar with my writing style than mass produce a number of filler or regurgitated material. Anyway, with StreetArticles, I have five articles published and combined had almost 120 visits for the month. The big difference I see now is the CTR I am experiencing. At just below 1.5%, there is a dramatic difference between these and my Ezine articles. Or is this just a more realistic number that I should expect to see? I'm going to do some testing (well, figure out how to) to see if it simply has to do with how the links are presented

I have also mentioned my blog on Wordpress that is bringing in some minimal traffic right now. I had 35 visits to approximately 7 posts for the month of March. I still don't have a structure and am trying to figure it out and right now, it feels as if it's all over the place. Once I get this settled in, I feel confident there is going to show an improvement.

I have also sold some old stuff on Ebay in an attempt to build up my PayPal account. I guess I'm not technically going penniless, but my wife likes the idea of getting rid of the unnecessary and it will assist in getting my own web page and explore PPC campaigns.

I also am going to open accounts with social networking sights under my article publishing and keep it separate from my personal accounts. This will include comment posts. Not sure how well this will work, but it's a learning experience, right?

Friday, March 30, 2012

An Affiliate Marketer's Start

I first came across affiliate marketing in the beginning of 2009. I stumbled upon it when I was unemployed and I was going through a divorce. I was spending a lot of time on the computer and was looking for some work-at-home business to earn some extra money.
At the time, I tried a couple programs I came across but nothing actually did what it said. Over my life, I have spent quite a bit of money on programs that never fulfilled their promises, so I have remained skeptical. It took me some time to see "if it's too good to be true, then it is", but I did, and at that point, pursued a 9-5 job and have been here ever since.
Affiliate Marketing has stuck with me for quite some time. When I stumbled upon it in 2009, I gave it a very poor attempt and threw in the towel early. I think I may have wrote one article and it was in a niche I had no business or interest being in. I wasn't emotionally ready at the time to do the actual work required to move forward and succeed and didn't have the patience to learn more about it.
It's three years later and like I said, the concept has been with me for the duration of that time. I don't have any capital to invest so it's going to be a ground zero start-up, but I am ready for some change and am going to work around the lack of investment funds for now.

What I want to do is track my progress as I pursue a self-supporting lifestyle. I am working full time 7-3 and have a large family to spend time with, so the amount of time I spend on my new en devour will have to be reasonable. Both a business and family balance.

I technically began this project in January. I've been doing quite a bit of research and trial and error as I'm learning how this business works, so I have a bit to catch up on in this blog.
I should begin with my intentions and layout of my plan to achieve my goal. I simply want to be able to spend my time with my family. After going through a divorce, I have realized the important things to me and I want to enjoy them. So, to financially achieve this, I will have to bring in approximately $XXX a day after any business expenses. ( I had a figure in mind but always kept finances to myself, so feel free to fill in what you would want)
I don't want to and can't spend any money on this now, so I haven't and won't. A simple re-investment of any capital will sustain any growth until I am able to leave the current employment I have.

My first pursuit will be article marketing since it doesn't have to cost anything. I have written a few articles on ezine and streetarticles, a couple lenses on squidoo and have started a blog on wordpress. It took me quite some time to first develop a writing style I was comfortable with, so it took awhile before I released anything public. Now, between the middle of February and the month of March, I have 9 total articles and a blog plus this one.

I have chosen to focus on divorce and recovery, simply because I can relate to it so well. This is an opportunity to make all that misery pay a little bonus to the lessons  I learned about myself and others. I can already see issues of not concentrating and allowing  myself to "spread thin" across niches, so that is something I hope I can remain conscience of.

Right now it's focus for me. I need to focus on a game plan and stick to that game plan, follow through and give it an honest chance to get me and my family where we want to go.