Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Searching For What It Takes To Make Money Online

I was recently reading through my last post and started to kind of chuckle to myself. I re-read all the resolutions that I’d promised but never followed through on. All I could do was think to myself “how do you expect to make money online if you don’t do anything?” And now it’s almost a year since I’ve really done anything with my business.


To be completely honest, I lost the drive. I was going strong up until the summer of 2013, but soon dropped off the marketing scene. Every now and then I would make an attempt to come back (last one was in March, I think), but it was very inconsistent.

At first, I blamed it on the weather and seasons and I recall thinking it was too nice out to be inside writing. I’ll pick this up when the weather turns and I’m inside again.

Winter came and I started a new job in construction. Now my excuse was being too tired. I was going to bed at 8pm and waking with the baby every other morning at 4am before going off to work at 7.

Now, here I am, still thinking about a possibility of success in online marketing. I’ve come the closest to giving up than I ever have before, yet I haven’t. I’ve neglected to put the time into building my business, but all the while, I couldn’t give up the possibilities it offered.

Beyond having invested all this time so far, why wouldn’t I just give up?

Well, as I went in every day beating my body up from working construction, I’d dream about working at my desk and not worrying if I’m going to hurt myself. I’m 40 years old with a blended family of seven, so being out of work would be disastrous.

Then I start then I started thinking about retirement. I have no retirement so far and there’s no way I could continue doing what I’m doing for as long as I’ll need to work. With online marketing, I don’t think I would be concerned about a retirement age.

Becoming successful in online marketing would be a great skill to teach my children. If I could show them the proper steps, they could possibly live the life I dream of, just sooner.

And the biggest reason I want to succeed? It’s a big one, one I haven’t shared with my wife.

In ten years, I want to pull my youngest son out of middle school and home school him. Only this home school will be done in a RV, traveling cross country with a hands on approach concerning all subjects. The older 4 will be out of the house (fingers crossed), so it would just be my wife, youngest son and myself. Maybe for a year and we’ll see what happens from there.

Now, what makes this post any different than my declarations to retry from the past? Nothing really. I’m just going to try to be more honest with myself and remember why I’m doing what I’m doing. To make money online in order to do all the things I want to do.

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