Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Article Marketing Landing Page

Obviously it's been a while since I have updated anything, but have been busy “behind the scenes”. The last couple of weeks have been extremely reveling to what I really want out of life and I have been lucky enough to enjoy it.
I have not been to my 7-3:30 job since 5/15, a Tuesday. My beautiful son was born at 8 PM on 3/14, and I took a 2 week leave of absence to spend time with the family. It has extended another week due to complications, but everything appears to have settled down for now. I thought I could get some affiliate work done while I was on my leave, but medical issue and paternal duties have occupied a majority of my time. So I haven't got much done, but that's ok. Like I had said before; It's given me an opportunity to experience what I really want and why I am pursuing the chance to work from home.
After all the scares settled down and I no longer spent my days at the hospital, I got an opportunity to get back to work again. I began a lens introducing people to the fantastic world of article marketing. The way I see it, I am going to come across all sorts of things that I can learn and share my knowledge on, so why not make a page that can help others achieve a self-sufficient lifestyle?
The more and more I participate in article marketing, the more I come to appreciate it and benefit from it. I've said it before and I will say it again; article marketing can be great therapy. Working with the recently separated/divorced niche can be exhausting, but every day I learn more about myself.
I had written quite a few articles earlier this month and have seen an increase traffic in bit. The biggest thing that surprised me were the click throughs I received from my articles on EzineArticles were up substantially and I haven't really figured out why. A majority of the articles were there for a couple months prior to now but never received this much attention. I'm not complaining, just surprised I received the attention I got this month considering I lost half a month. But overall, my numbers pleased me. My total visits to articles on Ezine totalled 182, while URL clicks were at 19, which gave me just over 10% click rate
I only had three submissions for StreetArticles this month and have reached an author rank of 506. I did break 400, but I have fallen back the last couple weeks, assuming because of the lack of submissions.
 I have changed my approach just a touch and designating StreetArticles for my affiliate marketing campaign and EzineArticles for my niche Getting Over Divorce For Men. It just seems to simplify it for myself.

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